This year was a big one! 10 years have flown by and yet seem like an
eternity at the same time. We have been incredibly blessed- and have grown as a couple and (literally) as a family.
Eric is more than a girl could ask for in a husband- he is a guy that gets things done, loves to have a project going, encourages me in my gifts, is a super helpful dad and a true spiritual leader. I respect him for his work ethic and having his priorities in life right. He serves others (often me!) without regard for his own needs. He has many close friends because they know his heart and that they will never have a more loyal friend. He loves to be with his family and relax in the great outdoors. He is an amazing example of what a real man is to our boys.
I love you sweetie- I'm blessed beyond measure to share my life with you! Happy Anniversary!
As a huge oak tree provides shelter and protection for all the living things that nest in its branches, a strong man provides security and comfort for every member of his family.
-Dr. James Dobson (Bringing Up Boys)
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