Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On my nightstand...

Living Simply by Joanne Heim

I think you need to be ready to read a book like this. With baby #3 on the way there is no time like the present to simplify my life a bit.

I borrowed this from the MOMS Group lending library- but I am highlighting like crazy and don't think I will be giving it back! (Don't worry Michelle- I'll replace it asap).

I'm only four chapters in, but so far a concept that has been huge for me is "half done is still undone". Multitasking is not all it is cracked up to be. My childhood nickname (thanks, mom) was "Sara, the side-tracked queen". This is still a big issue for me.

There are also some great thoughts on how we are "conditioned to be consumers". My ears perked up to this because a few months back I remember thinking my life revolved around the fact that I was a consumer. I was always making shopping lists, buying gifts, researching big purchases, browsing catalogs and websites (darn that pottery barn!). Though I rarely went to the mall- I realized a big part of my time was spent "shopping" (or dreaming of...). This is not how I want to spend my life- not to mention the discontentment it stirred up in me.

There is much more I would like to share about this book- but I can tell this fell into my hands at just the right season. I'll post more revelations as I continue to read.


Megan said...

Ohhh I like that. Sounds like one I need to read. I think it's so easy to feel like new things are needed in the ever-changing phases of our babies' lives even! Well, baby in my case. Thank you so much for your phone calls! I hope you got my text this morning- I didn't go after all because of this darned lingering cold Christian has. I just can't bear to be that Mom bringing her snotty-nose kid in the nursery. Next week though, hopefully next week! Thank you so much for reaching out to me. = )

Megan said...

Oh, ps- do you mind if I link you from my blog? No probs if not!

Unknown said...

I loved this book! I think maybe we should all start watching "Little House" and wearing pink tutu's for our next girls night.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Sara! I appreciate your thoughts on things all of this time. I like to hear your recommendations for a lot of things. Thank you so very much, my friend.